Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Cheese Fries

Made this for the kids yesterday. Hungry from school, Hasif who just got back from his Robotics like the cheese fries while Iqram who is in the afternoon session prefered it plain. The cheese I should say is not the same like those in KFC,(which I prefered) the colour is not yellow and for this it was a bit saltish..maybe should add little bit more milk.(lucky didnt add salt to it). Well after all not that badlah...recipe from 'resipidiana'.

400g Frozen French fries (get from supermarket)
10 slices of American Cheddar Cheese(or 200g American Cheddar cheese block)
50ml milk
2tbsp sour cream with 1 tsp milk
2 tbsp chopped spring onions

Deep fry fries till golden and crispy
Remove and drain on paper towels.
Arrange on plate. Using a non-stick pot, add cheese, milk to cook. Turn heat to medium heat to simmer for 3-5 miniutes, stirring continuosly into liquid form, once its melted into liquid turn off the heat. Pour melted cheese on fries. Whisk sour cream with milk till its creamy. Drizzle on top of melted cheese. Sprinkle spring onions and serve immediately.

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